Joint Fuel-Cell Projects Now on?Tap

Sev?eral major automak?ers have signed agree?ments to develop fuel-cell tech?nol?ogy, tar?get?ing their use in elec?tric cars, and beyond.
Find out more about upcom?ing fuel-cell development.
Daim?ler AG and Nis?san Motor Co. signed an agree?ment with Ford Motor Co. to develop fuel-cell tech?nol?ogy together for elec?tric?cars.
The part?ners plan to intro?duce the first mass-market fuel? cell elec?tric mod?els in 2017 and are tar?get?ing pro?duc?tion of at least 100,000 cars, Thomas Weber, Daimler?s head of research and devel?op?ment, said today at a press con?fer?ence in Nabern, Ger?many. The man?u?fac?tur?ers will invest equal amounts in the project to develop fuel-cell stacks and sys?tems, they said in a joint state?ment, with?out giv?ing details.
Toy?ota Motor Co., the world?s biggest car?maker, and Munich-based Bay?erische Motoren Werke AG, the largest luxury-car man?u?fac?turer, announced a part?ner?ship on Jan. 24 to develop fuel-cell sys?tems, in addi?tion to coop?er?a?tion in other areas includ?ing light-weight tech?nolo?gies and a com?mon sports-car platform
Joint devel?op?ments allow the man?u?fac?tur?ers to share costs and achieve higher vol?umes once pro?duc?tion starts. Daim?ler and its part?ners are using their project to send a ?clear sig?nal? to gov?ern?ments and sup?pli?ers of the need to develop a hydro?gen? fuel?ing infra?struc?ture worldwide.
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