Monday, September 3, 2012

Mobile Marketing: Make Customers' Phones Your Sales Tools ...

Mobile marketing can give businesses the opportunity to grow their audience and expose their brand to a wider range of individuals. The market penetration rate for smartphones, tablets and other mobile gadgets is really high.

In the field of social marketing, it is important to keep a close eye on your competition. You need to set yourself apart from everyone else.

Mobile Campaign

A directionless mobile marketing effort is doomed to failure. Set goals for your mobile campaign right at the start. For example, consider whether your goal is to increase sales or lengthen customer retention times.

Advertise the benefits of your mobile marketing campaign in every location you can think of. Make sure that your other advertising efforts, online and in print, point out your mobile campaign?s existence. If your campaign is perceived as helpful, many people will sign up. Sell your readers on the idea that your mobile campaign will personally benefit them, as they can stay updated about your special offers.

Be simple yet clear and defined. If you minimize the number of required clicks, you will increase your chances for success. Mobile keypads are extremely tiny and can become very frustrating to use. Because of this you will need to keep the clicks and typing down to a minimum.

Be sure to establish a presence on social networking sites. If you want your business to be found, this is an important step to take. Start by focusing your on the fundamentals of your business, and then gradually extend your reach. Even if you do not have enough time to develop a good online marketing campaign, create a Facebook and a Foursquare page.

Enlist the help of your friends and family to help with your mobile marketing campaign. You can pay an outside source to test your mobile marketing and give you an opinion of how they feel it will help or hinder your company.

Be sure to send unique messages every time when using mobile marketing techniques to contact your customers. Never send the same message more than once. In this manner you ensure that your customers do not tire of receiving your messages, and in fact are enthused when they see your offer extended.

Don?t ever message customers without a reason. Only send them information that they?ll find relevant and useful. Past mobile marketing campaigns have been failures because random texts were sent to customers. Customers demand information in the marketing texts they receive.

If you are looking for innovative ways to improve your bottom line, mobile marketing is the way to go. Since many people nowadays download apps on their cell phones and are also on social networking sites, there is a good market for this type of advertising. These are both excellent places that you could be marketing your business. Seek out where customers are and bring your marketing there.

Be sure to test mobile websites and ads on multiple mobile devices. Every mobile device operates on different browsers. Making your mobile marketing compatible for all of the browsers available will make you the most successful. Your website and advertisements may look different, depending on the device that is used. To make sure your website looks good, try it out on whatever devices are currently popular..

If you put a hyperlink in your text messages, have a link for older phones that goes to a specific mobile phone website, and a link for newer phones that goes to your standard website. If you have included flash on your website, only put a link to a mobile version.

Qr Codes

In order to entice customers and expand your branding, use QR codes. QR codes are great in sharing promotions, discounts and coupons. These codes are easy to use and captured on a cell phone. QR codes make it easier to market your products to your customers in a quick way with information they can use.

Your mobile website should include maps and directions that are easy to use with a mobile device. A lot of people use apps to locate places. List your business with Google Maps and similar websites. Try to make it as easy as possible for your customers to find you. Make sure maps to your location are clear and concise on any mobile device. Also, make sure your address appears on the top mapping programs. Use a Google maps link for exact directions.

Don?t forget about your existing customers when you go after new ones with your marketing tactics. Your existing prospects will most likely be more receptive to updates and text messages than newer prospects. When new customers see mobile marketing efforts they usually think it spam.

When it comes to mobile content, it is best to use the least amount of words you need to get your point across. You cannot have lengthy product and landing pages here that go on and on, just to stuff in keywords without really saying anything of value. Mobile marketing copy needs to be concise and clear.

Your ads will get the maximum attention if you do what you can to make them go viral. They may want to share it with others and increase your reach.

Putting a QR code on your print ads can help you appeal to tech savvy customers. These codes make it easy for someone reading your ad to connect to your website and view your marketing materials on their mobile device. Have the codes printed on posters, brochures, business cards and catalogs. Customers can use the QR codes to gain quick and convenient information about your brand and products.

Remember who you are talking to if you are going to make phone calls, they are people whose lives you are interrupting. Act appropriately.

Good mobile marketers take advantage of the location effects available. Mobile marketing, unlike many other marketing techniques, has the ability to target consumers based on physical location. This means that mobile campaigns can do things no other kind of marketing can. Take the time to consider what this means for your company and how you can implement a successful location-aware strategy.

Mobile Devices

Advertising costs are a requirement for building a strong customer base. Be sure to offer incentives when using mobile marketing. You could offer handy weather alerts or local information they can?t find anywhere else. You can offer coupons to increase the participation of your consumers, increasing the success rate of your campaign.

Make all of the marketing emails that you send mobile friendly. Doing so means your campaign is likely to be more successful in reaching your customers. Instead of using links to access content, allow users to select phone numbers. If you do use links, you must be sure that the target page can be viewed easily on mobile devices. As time goes by, the number of people checking e-mail from mobile devices is only increasing, so it?s smart to design e-mails for this audience.

Send coupons via Multimedia Messaging Service as a way to reward current customers or entice new ones. You could utilize promotional codes in your eCoupons. A tracking code can be added and linked to your mobile-friendly website. These coupons are great for attracting new consumers and rewarding loyal ones.

Your mobile marketing campaign should be compatible for use with a multitude of hand-held devices. You have to take into consideration the differences of mobile devices which you have to develop when it comes to making a mobile campaign. It is important that your scripting programs are compatible with most devices if you want to see a good return for your efforts.

Make sure you research who your audience is. You should know your audience and what their preferences are so that your marketing efforts do not go to waste. Find out how much your customers use their cell phones. What mobile platform is their cell phone? Find out who they are, and you will have an easier time connecting with them.

The good thing about mobile marketing is that the market is always growing. Very soon the majority of people may have a phones and can, therefore, be effectively reached. With these tips, you will move ahead of your competitors; and topping that, you will be empowered with superior customer communication. Have fun


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