Ven's bad attitude and constant complaints brought his client-model Terri to tears.
By Ree Hines, TODAY contributor
Those wondering if "Project Runway" could possibly pack even bigger drama after two designers walked off the show this season got their answer Thursday night. It absolutely can -- and then some.
After all, the designers who ditched their big opportunities hurt only themselves. But on the latest episode of the fashion face-off, Ven Budhu, the show's newest villain, upped the drama considerably by actually hurting his client/model.
It all started when Ven and his fellow designers were presented with this season's twist on the now-usual "Runway" real-size challenge, wherein the contestants were asked to create makeover-worthy fashions for regular folks rather than models. Most of the competitors found the task exciting and looked forward to transforming their client-models. But not Ven.
No, Ven felt he was the victim of cruel fate thanks to his model's plus-size proportions. Terri happened to be a size 14 -- which is a fashion crime as far as Ven (who's well beyond the male equivalent of a 14) is concerned.
"My client doesn't really have a shape," he complained to Tim Gunn. "She's definitely not fashion forward. She doesn't have any sense of style whatsoever."
But make no mistake -- Ven didn't keep his unkind comments about his "nightmare" client strictly to Tim. He let them fly right in front of her as he whined about accessories that were too small for her and how difficult she was to design for. ?
"He made her cry!" Fabio Costa said of the situation that clearly frustrated all of the designers. "It's really sad that you have the power to make someone feel bad about themselves and you use that deliberately."
In the end, Ven still saw himself as the victim.
"When people see this episode they're going to feel that it's unfair (to me)," he said in an online-only clip. As for his client? "No one forced her to go on the show. She agreed to it."
Then again, no one forced Ven to take part in a fashion competition with a history of similar challenges. Besides according to mentor Tim, this particular challenge shouldn't have been too difficult for a "motivated designer" anyway.
"By the way, a size 14 is just on the cusp of plus size. And a motivated designer can make a size 28 look fabulous," he told his Twitter followers on Friday. "Think of the opera divas!"
What did you think of Ven's bad behavior? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.
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