Obama Rethinks Healthcare

One of President Obama's solutions for the ailing healthcare system is to change the way doctors are paid. Wyatt Andrews reports.
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Submitted By: CBS
Tags: Evening Health Healthcare Insurance Hmo Medical Coverage Benefits Hospitals Patient Treatments President Obama Politics CBS Evening News
Categories: Entertainment
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Health Treatment Part 1

http://balancedhealthtoday.com/xeneplex.html Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Treatment Different treatment approaches for MCS have been described that parallel the proposed mechanisms. Treatment modalities that include avoidance of chemicals, megavitamins, restricted or rotation diets, provocation-neutralization, sauna detoxification, and psychiatric treatment have been suggested (Ziem, 1992; AAEM, 1992; Simon, 1992). The effectiveness of these treatments has not been demonstrated. Because the etiology of MCS is unknown, the primary goals of most physicians are aimed at relieving symptoms and improving function. With an absence of data from definitive clinical trials, no conclusions about the optimal choice of treatment modalities can currently be made. However, aggressive therapies of unproven benefit that are potentially harmful cannot be recommended. Healthcare providers must recognize the fundamental obligation to "First, do no harm." Ill persons must not be subjected to costly, time-consuming, ineffective, or dangerous therapeutic regimens. Caregivers must ensure that their treatment methods meet the standards of peer review and tests of efficacy, and offer reports on such treatment methods in the open and critically reviewed literature. http://balancedhealthtoday.com/products.html
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Submitted By: bodydetoxification
Tags: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Chemical Sensitivity MCS Treatment Naturally Chemical Sensitivity Symptoms Chemical Sensitivity Treatment Mcs Immune System Disorders Bacteria Detox Bacteria Fungal Toxins Pharmaceuticals Toxic Metals
Categories: People & Stories
Antioxidants - Vs - Free Radicals - Immune System

http://www.cancerfoundation.com/about.html Oxidation is the cause of Free Radicals, this happens when an electron is knocked out of a chemical bond. These highly reactive Free Radicals will interact with and damage healthy molecules. Oxidative Stress occurs when destructive power of Free Radicals spread from one cell to surrounding cells inflicting widespread damage. There are Oxidation Factors in our daily lives, such as poor diet, stress, pollution, and aging. Oxidation also increases disease risks, like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disease. Antioxidants can reverse the effects of oxidation, by way of Antioxidation. Antioxidant is essentially the exact opposite of oxidation, in that antioxidant molecules have electrons to spare. Once an antioxidant and a free radical come in to contact, the antioxidant will supply the free radical with an electron, thus repairing the chemical bond and returning stability to the molecule. With the prevalence of oxidation factors, it is very important to supply your body with a reservoir of antioxidants. Animation created by Kyle Thornthwaite - email: kyle@kt-3d.com
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Antioxidants Free Radicals Resveratrol Healing Health Natural Diabetes Nutrition
Categories: Science & Tech
Sicko (2007): the British Healthcare System Part 3

The clip the british healthcare system Part 3 from Sicko (2007) This guy broke his ankle. How much will this cost him? The emergency room visit. He'll have some huge bill when he's done, right? Here... NHS, everything is free. I'm asking about hospital charges and you're laughing. I was never asked this question in the emergency department, that's why. I was starting to fall for this "everything is free" bit. And then I discovered this. So this is where people come to pay their bill when they're done staying here? No, this is the NHS hospital, so you don't pay the bill. You get to just go home? Why does it say "cashier" here if people don't have to pay a bill? All we have is a little man who stands behind a counter and he gives people money if they've had to pay for transport. Those who have reduced means get their travel expenses reimbursed. Thank you. So in British hospitals. Instead of money going into the cashier's window. Money comes out. The criteria for letting you out are not if you've paid, the criteria are, are you fit to go and are you going somewhere safe? Clearly. I was just the butt of a joke here. What I needed was a good old-fashioned American who would have some understanding. I first came to London in 1992. And we just ended up staying and we had three children here. Well, I had them all on the NHS, which is the British National Health Service. I think, like a lot of Americans, assumed that a socialized medicine was just bottom of the rung treatment, that the only way would be horrible and it would be like the Soviet Union. I mean, that's kind of how... And it's terrible that that's what I thought. That's what I thought. Too. After having a baby. It's right back to the wheat fields.
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Sicko The British Healthcare System Part 3 AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
Sicko (2007): a National Health Strategy Part 2

The clip a national health strategy Part 2 from Sicko (2007) Bigger logjams at the nearby hospital and less quality medical care. Been here about 18 hours, since 7:00 this morning. What looks cramped and unsightly can also be dangerous. ... while health insurance companies became wealthy. The system was broken. 37 million Americans are without protection against catastrophic illness. The losers are the poor. Who may now postpone urgent healthcare until it's too late. This went on for years.
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: Sicko A National Health Strategy Part 2 AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
John Q (2002): Bad Health System

The clip Bad health system from John Q (2002) The other big story... John Q goes on trial today for kidnapping and attempted murder charges all because an HMO denied coverage for his son's heant transplant. ... more expensive for you in the future. HMOs. To deny coverage... There are still 40 million Americans who are uninsured... Tonight. As the trial continues. John Quincy Archibald... vigilante or heroic father? ... is to sue the pants off them for millions of dollars to let them know... We have known foryears this is a crappy health care system. We've known we had to do something... John Q was using one of those faith-based health care plans. You just pray. and the government does nothing. ... not agree with that? The point is. the enemy we're trying to identify is us. We are the ones who shot down national health care. We are the ones who don't want our taxes raised. You have to look in the mirror for this problem. Back up. Come on. Just one question, please! How's your son doing, John? A statement, please! Out of the way. Let's go. How are you feeling right now? Smile, John!
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Submitted By: AnyClip
Tags: John Q Bad Health System AnyClip
Categories: Entertainment
Health Reform Explained Video: "Health Reform Hits Main Street"

http://healthreform.kff.org/the-animation.aspx Health care reform explained in "Health Reform Hits Main Street." Confused about how the new health care reform law really works? This short, animated movie -- featuring the "YouToons" -- explains the problems with the current health care system, the changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014. Written and produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Narrated by Cokie Roberts, a news commentator for ABC News and NPR and a member of Kaiser's Board of Trustees. Creative production and animation by Free Range Studios.
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Health Reform YouToons Cokie Roberts Healthcare Health Cartoons Animation Health Care Reform Health Insurance Exchanges High Risk Pools Health Care Costs Pre-existing Conditions Health Care System Health Care Changes
Categories: People & Stories
How To Boost Your Immune System

Learn how to boost your immune system so you can stay happy and healthy.
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Submitted By: Howcast
Tags: HealthBeauty Immunity Immune System Sick Cold Health Cough Disease Healthy Vitamins
Categories: How To
Transitions Lifestyle System

For your weight management, glycemic index regulation, etc., under the Market America umbrella. http://www.marketamerica.com/synergies/brands-272/transitions.htm
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Diabetes Glucose Blood Sugar Glycemic Weight Management Multi-level Marketing Market America Binomial Horizontal Vertical Health Wellness Supplements Energy Nutrients
Categories: Science & Tech
Hatha Yoga for Endocrine Health 54min Full Class

Hatha Yoga for Endocrine Health is a gentle, restorative yoga class that addresses the health and balance in your endocrine system. The endocrine system is a ductless glandular system featuring the thyroid, thymus, hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, as Unlike the digestive system, which secretes enzymes through ducts into the digestive organs, the endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. In Yoga for Endocrine Health, Leela guides you through a series of postures that help to balance your mood, appetite, sleep functions and sexual hormones by creating glandular locks throughout the body to refresh and stimulate the endocrine system to improve your overall sense of well-being and health. Teacher: Leela Francis
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Hatha Yoga Yogayak Leela Francis Balance Mood Appetite Sleep Sexual Hormones Glandular Refresh Stimulate Endocrine System Improve Well-being Health Hymus Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Organs Reproductive Gonads Adrenal
Categories: People & Stories
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